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Manga de Wakaru! Magic Story: War of the Spark

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Mayuko Wakatsuki , Anoa Design 2019 released.
Shounen / Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Romance
Learning with Manga! Magic Story: War of the Spark; マンガで分かる!Magic Story『灯争大戦』
Vol.1 Ch.1
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Vol.1 Ch.1

Jul 23, 2019
pride month
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! I too don't know so I just use the queer label.
Would you be interested
I made the thread!! Check it out here
I would change my pfp but I’m too attached to this random panel and I didn’t save it
Queer media recs for pride month!
Today's recommendation: Music (01/06) Hey guys, I hope you are having a wonderful day so f...
pride month
I'm pan and also I'm gender fluid btwヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

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did how are u guys doing in school

Started my last year last week. So far so good (I already had five breakdowns)

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did how are u guys doing in school

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nah idk what everyone else is saying but these were wild times frr....

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